We need to determine whether or not your company exists in the City of Dayton’s CityBOTS database. Please fill in your company’s Tax ID number and then click the Check Tax ID button.
Processing, please wait . . .
Step 2
The entered Tax ID number exists in the City of Dayton’s CityBOTS database with the following user(s) linked to the account.
If you want an email listed above to be the primary CityBOTS user, click the button below to start password recovery.
If you want to add a new email as the primary CityBOTS user, click the button below to register a new user. This process can take up to 5 business days as manual vetting is required.
For further assistance, please contact the HRC’s Business & Technical Assistance team at bta@daytonohio.gov or (937) 333-1403.
Step 2
Next we need to determine if your desired email address is already in use. Fill in your email address and then click the Check Username button.
Step 3
We show the entered email address already exists in the database under a different Vendor's Tax ID. An email address/login can be associated with one and only one Vendor. You will need to contact us so we can properly identify you and activate your account.
Vendor Matches
Human Relations Council | City of Dayton
(937) 333-1403
Step 2
Sorry, the entered Tax ID number does not currently exist in the City of Dayton’s CityBOTS database.
Have you submitted your Vendor Application & W9 form to the City’s Purchasing Division?
If not, click here Vendor ApplicationVendor Application and W9 Forms to access the required forms, which must be submitted to the Purchasing Division.
If you have already submitted your Vendor Application & W9 form to Purchasing, it may take up to 10 business days for processing. Once your forms are processed, your CityBOTS vendor profile will be created and your initial login information will be sent to the email address listed on your Vendor Application.
If you are an existing vendor, or if more than 10 business days have elapsed since you submitted your Vendor Application & W9 form to Purchasing, please contact the HRC’s Business & Technical Assistance team at bta@daytonohio.gov or (937) 333-1403 for further assistance.